Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pottery Creations

As you may or may not know I have been taking a pottery class this semester. I made a whole bunch of things, some which I liked and some which I did not. I am not the most creative person in the world, but I did come up with some good ideas. My favorite part of pottery was definitely using the wheel. It was really hard at first and I did not have the strength to do it all by myself, but I did manage to throw some good cylinders and bowls and it became really fun when I knew what to do. Anyways here are some pictures of the things I really liked:
My candles...my favorite creation by far

One of the bowls done on the wheel...this one is my favorite

Another thrown bowl

A box that I made

Another one of my favorite projects, also thrown and I have no idea what it is called

The top view

My coffee mug for all the coffee I drink

And another one of the bowls I threw on the wheel