Saturday, January 19, 2013


Now, don't get too excited. I'm not finished finished. Just getting there. Yesterday I finished my last class of my undergraduate degree! I do have a whole semester ahead, but no real classes just an internship and a class that goes a long with that. So classes are finished!
I was taking a child welfare and families class...which (shockingly) was all about child welfare. It focused a lot on definitions of different child abuses, legal definitions, treatment/intervention, prevention measures, and how the legal system works. I really enjoyed it because it was so in line with what I will be doing in just over a week (so soon!). It felt really good to be learning something and think "I will be doing this in less than a month". Needless to say, I am getting very excited to start my internship (and slightly nervous, which is normal I think). One really cool thing that we did in my class is create Public Service Announcements. PSAs are used to raise awareness to some issue or a program. Mine was raising awareness on the amount of abuse that occurs and also what you can do to help. So I thought I would let you all see it and let you know what you should do if you think a child is getting abused or neglected. Here is a link to it:
I will be starting my internship next week (Monday January 28) and prayers are much appreciated as I start a new and stressful adventure. I will give you more information when I know more information...which will probably not be until I actually start. I do know that I will be doing some training before I will actually get to do anything, and I do not know what that will involve or how long it will be. There are so many unknowns about my internship, but I am still really excited to get my feet wet and start working! More to come!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas in Canada

Well, I just completed my last Christmas break. Next Christmas I will (ideally) be graduated (that will happen)  and have a job (that's the ideal part). And it was a marvelous Christmas break! Mostly I....did nothing. I read lots of books and watched lots of TV and eventually got really bored. And then I hung out with lots of friends which was amazing! I definitely miss all things Canada when I am in Kansas. I also ate lots of turkey (and other delicious, home cooked, made just by mom food) and hung out with lots of family. It was nice to do lots of relaxing before my final semester of college (ever!...okay fine, until I decide to get a masters degree).
So what does this semester look like? In case you haven't been following my blog or just don't remember my last couple of posts (they were a long time ago, so I don't blame you) I will recap for you. Right now is a semester we like to call interterm. Basically the month of January is its own semester where you either go on a trip or take a class. I am taking a class. It is a child welfare class which deals with different things surrounding abuse and neglect. Most people might not think this would be a cool or interesting class. But I do! There is a lot of information crammed into a two week period but it is very interesting and definitely in line with what I want to do after graduation. And it will provide me with a lot of information for my internship.
Which brings me to my next final semester of college will be me working (for free) and taking a class one day a week that goes along with that. I will be working with Child Protective Services and learning a lot about the investigation of abuse and neglect. I do not know exactly what it entails, but I will let you all know when I know! I am really excited for it and to get my feet wet in the world of social work! It should be really good!
Well that is what my future looks like. Class, internship, graduation, and then nothing but question marks. We will see what the future holds...