Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Welcome to Kansas

Welcome to my new life. In December I packed my life into boxes and suitcases, surprisingly just 2 boxes and 2 suitcases. Four days ago, I got on a plane in Seattle and now here I am. Kansas. Tabor College. So far it has been good. I moved into a temporary dorm room until the people who live in my actual dorm room move out at the end of January. I am looking forward to that day. My current dorm room is small and old looking. I haven't decorated because I'm not going to be here for long. So it's a temporary home. But it is working well.
I have also started classes. Well one class. I am in interterm - a one month semester in January where you take a single class. So I have class every day from 9-12, but we always get out really early which is nice. I am in a service trip class - a trip is required at Tabor - and we are going to Nashville where there was a flood in May, 2010. We will be helping rebuild and fix up some houses there, I don't know too many details until we get there. But I am excited. The flood in Nashville is not well known. Though it did extensive damage to the city, it did not receive much media coverage and thus did not get many volunteers or much funding. The residents of Nashville did much of their rebuilding themselves, banding together to help each other. There are some inspiring stories about it. Though these people lost nearly everything they had, they have given more to help others since losing everything. So I'm really looking forward to this trip, to have a chance to help some people who lost everything, and to have a new experience as I have never done something like this before. We leave on Saturday at 4AM and it will take about 12 hours to get there. We will then be spending 2 weeks there, working all day with some free nights and weekends to do some touring. It should be good.
It has been very cold here...last night was apparently the first time it dropped below zero degrees (Fahrenheit) since 2005. We had snow a couple of days ago, which was nice at the time, now it is turning to ice and it is too cold to go outside and enjoy it. Not that I like the snow that much anyways, but it is better than ice. Nearly everyone says to me "you are used to this kind of weather aren't you?" when they see me and mention the cold. Upon which I inform them that no, where I come from it is not this cold and it does not snow very much (though apparently there is some snow there now). It is quite amusing. So though Americans may not think we Canadians live in igloos, they do seem to think it is the great white, cold, North.
Well, that is my first couple days in my new adventure. It has been easy and laid back, and enjoyable. More to come later!

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