Monday, October 17, 2011

Thanksgiving & Homecoming

Happy Thanksgiving! I know, I'm a week late but I've been a bit busy. But I didn't forget about Canadian thanksgiving. I even made a pumpkin pie to celebrate. It was delicious. And, in honor of Canadian thanksgiving, we even got some days off. Okay, so that is a bit of an exaggeration. But thanksgiving weekend did happen to coincide with Tabor's fall break so I like to pretend. I did get three days off from school, which was wonderful. It was nice to sleep in. However, it was also an incredibly busy weekend. In addition to baking (and eating) the pumpkin pie, I had musical rehearsal every night (except one). It was our last weekend, so we did a couple full run throughs and some work on specific scenes. It was very exciting. I also spent the weekend babysitting some precious girls. There were three of them (ages 7, 5, and 2). We spent the weekend together hanging out and playing and going to the park (and rehearsing). It was a lot of fun but they sure did have a lot of energy!
After thanksgiving began production week. Which, you guessed it, is the week before our Oliver performance! So we did full run throughs every night adding things as we went. We added the mics and lights one night and make up and hair another and then finally, on Thursday, was our first performance. We did four in total all this past weekend, which was homecoming.
I really had no idea what homecoming was, being a Canadian, but basically its a time when alumni return to college and take part in a variety of festivities. These included reunions, an art show, the musical, and meals. One meal was vereniki (Google it if you aren't a mennonite and have no idea what it is), which was delicious. There is also a football game, which I watched (at least half of it), we lost a close one in the end.
But the majority of my homecoming weekend was spent on the musical. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun. Every night was sold out and the audiences really seemed to enjoy it. There were lots of laughs and applause and congratulations after it was over. I had so much fun performing and singing again (I haven't done it in awhile) and meeting new people. Though it was a lot of work, and I am still very tired, it was all worth it. Last night we had our final performance in the afternoon and then spent the rest of the day having a cast party and taking down the set. It is so sad to see it all go! I had a wonderful two months (still can't believe we got it all together in time) working hard. And now I will enjoy some time off until something new comes up. This week will be spent catching up on sleep and homework and...MOVING! That's right, I'm moving. We have decided to room with another person and so we found a house to rent that was larger and cheaper when separated three ways and so we are moving. I promise this time I will actually post pictures of it once we get in all set up!
And speaking of is a cast picture we took after our last performance. I will post some more as soon as I get some! And yes, I am a boy in this picture as I was for the majority of the musical. (Photo credit: Joshua Paulus)

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