Saturday, January 7, 2012

One Year

Wow, can you believe it has been a whole year? It was around a year ago today that I arrived in Kansas and I cannot believe how much has happened since then or how much I have learned and experienced. I went to Nashville and learned how to rebuild houses, I have taken 10 classes over two semesters which included everything from health concepts to english to social work and this semester even some biology (eek!) and ceramics (yes, like pottery). I have worked several jobs, and will be starting another new one this semester so I can get some more hours.
Well, enough can just look through my previous posts for more of that. What have I been up to since my last post? Well, I finished my finals, packed, and flew home for my three week Christmas break. It was so great to be off school and to be able to be lazy and enjoy time with friends and family. I spent some of my break driving my grandfather around, which was fun and kept me busy for a bit. And then there was a lot of nothing. Or everything. Hanging out with friends I hadn't seen in months, reading lots of books, hanging out with my family (at least when they didn't have other things to do...apparently not everyone gets Christmas breaks...) and of course enjoying many Christmas dinners. At the end of it all I realized in just over a month I had six turkey dinners (3 at American thanksgiving, three at Christmas). That is a lot of turkey! Good thing it is so delicious. But alas, Christmas break had to come to an end and earlier this week I made my way back to Kansas, perhaps flying for the last time as I am hoping to drive my car down next August when I come back. January is its own semester here at Tabor (called interterm) and I have just one class every morning from 8:30-11:30. It is going to get very busy soon as it is only a two week class, but it has been very interesting. And only three semesters left! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Years are going well!

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