Saturday, April 28, 2012


I am sure many of you have heard in the news about the excess of tornadoes in the Mid-West just a couple of weeks ago. If not, then you missed a lot. In a single day there were over 90 tornadoes confirmed on the ground. It made for a very exciting, and somewhat terrifying, day. I had always stated that I wanted to see a tornado. Not close to me or anything like that (I don't have a death wish), just in the distance. Well that day changed my mind. Before I freak you all out, don't worry we did not get hit by a tornado. Just nearly got hit. Here is how the story went: all week the news was talking about this horrible storm that would hit Kansas on Friday or Saturday. Tornado watches (meaning conditions are favorable for a tornado) were issued well in advance. But nothing happened in Hillsboro. It seemed like nothing would come out of all the buildup. So my two roommates went to a grad thing and I stayed home in our house with no basement believing nothing bad would happen and the hype was for nothing. Jokingly as my roommates were leaving one said "if the sirens go off, go in the pantry and close the door".  (the pantry is the middle room of our house and has no windows, thus is the safest place to be should a tornado occur). I just laughed and went back to watching TV. And then the sirens went off. I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life. One siren is right by our house and so it was so loud and in a moment of panic I had no idea what to do. I was alone and the sirens were going off. *side note, when the sirens go off you have no idea where a tornado is. The tornado could be 20 minutes away or it could be just a mile away.* I did remember enough to go hide in the pantry and close the door all the while calling Whitney who was at this grad thing. She did not answer because she was busy sprinting across the street to her parent's house which does have a basement. Eventually, she called me back and told me to drive to her parents house as fast as I could and to do it now. Again, in my state of panic she had to tell me several times before it got through my head. But I got in her car and drove as fast as I could to her parent's house where we hid in the basement while the sirens went off for 40 minutes. In the end, the tornado came our direction, went back into the sky over Hillsboro, and dropped back down just outside of town. In the middle of it all I texted Whitney and said "I lied. I don't want to see a tornado". That was just too much for me.
Me in my tornado shelter the next day  
In other news...I only have a couple more weeks of school left! I am really looking forward to being done and returning to Canada (it has been a while since I've been home). I have a couple more papers to write and some exams, but not too much is left! Also in other roommate bought a house! So strange...Whitney decided to buy a house because houses are cheap in Hillsboro and it is a good idea to pay into equity instead of paying into rent. So when I return in August I will have another new address and some more pictures for you to see of another place to live. It is safe to say that I have had more addresses in Kansas then I have in my entire life in Canada. Well that is all that has been happening around here! Three more weeks of school and exams and then I will be home! :)

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