Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow Day(s)

Remember being a kid and really hoping to have snow days? I was always like that. Ever winter I really wanted it to snow enough to force schools to shut down. Of course, in the Lower Mainland, that did not require much snow. But it was still fun: no school, playing in the snow, building snowmen. Well I grew up, and I no longer like snow. I can handle it for about a day, and then it gets old. And here in Kansas we just got a lot of it. You might have heard about the storm that past through the mid-West. It was SOO much fun...not. Okay, well it was fun for a little bit. But then it kept snowing and I was stuck in my house all the time. And strangely, I just wanted to go to work. The snow fell on us for a couple of days resulting in over a foot of snow after the first night and another several inches a couple of days later. It resulted in 2 and a half snow days for me, luckily I am doing my internship and it shut down because of the snow. Tabor College, on the other hand, did not shut down. Nor does it ever really shut down. So, since my friends either go to Tabor, work at Tabor, or work else where it town, it was a lonely couple of snow days for me. We did get some fun from it. We attempted to build a snowman, we played in the snow, we even went sledding (there are SOME hills in Kansas big enough for sledding). Here are some pictures:
All bundled up and ready to go out in the snow
That is how deep it was in our driveway

My poor car!

Swinging fun

It was only a little cold down there
Sledding at the Res
Just hanging out...
Our awesome snowman

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