Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer Time

I know, I know, I really need to get better at this whole blogging thing. I'm working on it. Being July the school the year is obviously over and I survived my first semester at Tabor College. God willing I will be returning in just seven short weeks.
But before I get to that I shall talk about the end of the semester which was perhaps the best of my time at Tabor. I finally got used to being there and began enjoying it a lot more. I hung out with lots of friends, watched as many playoff games as possible (I even brainwashed several friends into enjoying hockey and being Canuck fans), tried out for the for school musical (and got in!), and of course wrote final papers and exams. The school year ended on a high note as I got to watch my best friend graduate from college and get a job (lucky for me, at Tabor college). I am very much looking forward to going back in mid-August and moving towards my degree completion (in two years!).
So what am I doing this summer? Well what any college student should be doing: working. I got a job at Richmond Chinese United Church helping run their day camp program, along with three other people. For me it is a dream come true. I love camps, as many of you know, and am so grateful that I can spend another summer working with kids and telling them about God. And to get paid to do what I love is even better. I just finished our first week of camp which was a bit of a gong show but we got our feet underneath us by the end of the week. The kids are amazing. They all speak English which was a huge relief for me as my Chinese is (obviously) lacking. They are between 7-12, though we may get a 5 year old soon. They are wonderful kids, with lots of energy which we are working on channeling into appropriate things, but I think it is going very well. I'll let you know how the rest of the summer goes...only five more weeks of it! Other than working, not much is happening in my life, which is just fine with me. I hang out with friends, work, relax, and enjoy the summer as it won't last long and then it will be time to learn again.

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