Monday, August 22, 2011

Take Two

Well here I am once again. On Thursday I packed my life (or really just clothes) into two suitcases and headed for the airport. And then I landed once more in Hillsboro, Kansas. This time when I stepped off the plane it was warmer (at 10 o'clock at night) then it had been all summer in Vancouver. What great weather we get eh? Anyways, it has continued to be that hot since then, reaching as high as 112 degrees (which for us Canadians means about 45...). I'm still at the point where I enjoy the warmth that was absent for much of my summer, so I'm not complaining. Plus, we have A/C so there is always a place to go for relief. Wow...why do I always talk about the weather?
In other news...this year is going to look much different than last semester did. First of all, I moved off campus! Although just barely. I live like a block of campus so I can still walk every where which is great. And I live with my best friend, who works at Tabor in admissions, which will make it very fun. So I have moved into a basement suite and have been getting settled waiting for school to start...tomorrow!
Which brings me to the second thing that will be different...I am finally taking classes in my major! Since transferring from SFU to Tabor and then switching majors I have not taken a single class that is in my program, just classes that Tabor requires, and so I am very much looking forward to my classes this semester. I am taking one psychology class and two social work classes (and then two that are Tabor requirements) and they all seem really interesting and geared towards what I want to do. Both my social work classes are taught by my advisor, which I am also looking forward to. In the few interactions I have had with her, she seems very nice and open and engaging. It will be nice to get to know her and get taught by her this semester. And probably every other semester from now on. Many of my classes are intro course, which I am not so excited about. There just seems to be something wrong with a senior (aka fourth year) taking intro classes. But that is what you get for transferring half way through your junior year.
The third change for this year is my work situation. Last semester I was doing some on call catering, which was fun but did not give me very many hours. This year I have (kind of) three jobs. I will remain on call doing catering as well as get regular hours in the cafeteria (two nights a week at the moment). And then I will also be working in admissions doing student calling (I will tell you more about it when I know more about it). Between these three jobs I should get a minimum of 10 hours a week, which should be good.
As if 15 credit hours and three jobs weren't enough I am also doing the fall play this year. I mentioned it before, and still don't know much about it, but I am looking forward to it a lot. The play will be happening in the middle of October, so it will be lots of work until then. But it should be lots of fun!
Well, summer is over. But what a wonderful summer it was. I made some great friends working at the church and had some great times with the adorable children that were there. It was great having some of the same kids every week because we really got to know them and they got to know us. It was definitely an experience I will never forget. I miss both the staff and the kids!!
Well that is all for now. I shall try to be better at these updates in the future! Hope you all had wonderful summers!

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