Monday, September 12, 2011

Musicals, State Fairs, and other things

Wow, it has been a busy couple of weeks here. Has it really only been three weeks? I already have exams in all of my classes and there are you Canadians just finishing your first week of school. So what have I been up to? Mostly the musical. We started rehearsals the first week of school and have not stopped since. The musical we are doing is Oliver, and I am in the chorus. As part of the chorus I am both an orphan and in a gang of pick-pocketers. It is a lot of fun. My scenes have lots of kids in them with other Tabor students to help out. We have been doing a lot of choreographing and memorizing music. My roommate gets very annoyed at my singing constantly, but I have to get the songs memorized so it's not my fault. We rehearse about 3 days a week - sometimes more. It is very busy, but is worth it. I have gotten to know a bunch of new people and have a lot of fun. It will likely get even more busy as we only have about one more month! Ahh!
On Saturday, I went to my first State Fair! It was quite exciting (at least for me, a newbie at state fairs). We went on come crazy rides - the kind that flip you upside down and spin you in circles. It has been a long time since I have been on roller coaster rides, so it was cool. Other than the rides we walked around a lot to see various exhibits, which was mostly of farm things. There were giant pumpkins and squashes and watermelons and anything else you can think of. We ate cotton candy and other 'fair' was delicious. And we got henna tattoos, just for fun. It was a very fun day and a wonderful break from my school/homework/work/rehearsal schedule.
A couple of weeks ago we also babysat Whitney's cousin's kids. They are three beautiful girls under the age of 7. They stayed over for the night and we made them forts to sleep in and played barbies and lego and baked cookies and brought them to church. They are very precious girls and we are going to offer to take them some more once both of our schedules are less crazy.
And that is about it! Today begins another week of school and homework and exams and rehearsals and work! Now to get back to studying....

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